House on Sale at Maitidevi
Updated February 22, 2025 18:33:00
Bedroom: 8 Bathroom: 6 Land Area: 0-14-0-0
a safe and sound 3.5 storied, with pillars, flat system residential house built in 0-14-0-0 land, builtup area approx 5000 sqft, facing east, 13 feet road after extended, built on 2058 BS, 350 mtrs from setopool at Maitidevi, Kathmandu is on sale.
Property Details
Property Owner: GJBHOS 1560
Property Code: GJBHOS 1560
Land Area: 0-14-0-0
Property Location: Maitidevi
Agents Name:
Seller Address: Maitidevi
District: Kathmandu
Province: Bagmati Province
Phone No.: 014363456,(10-17 hours) email:
Mobile No.: 9803421055, 9851362391, 9813998554 (viber whats app 9803421055, gjb-sales officers)
Price: Rs 10,00,00,000
Type: House on Sale - Residential
House Type: Flat
Details of floors and room:
Ground floor:
2 bed rooms, 1 kitchen, 1 dining, 1 living room, 1 store, 1 common toilet bath room.
1rst floor:
1 attached bed room with toilet bathroom, 1 bed room, 1 living room, 1 dining, 1 kitchen (including small kitchen), eastside beautiful terrace, 1 common toilet bathroom.
2nd floor:
2 bed rooms, 1 kitchen dining, 1 living room, 1 common toilet bath room, west side terrace.
3rd floor:
1 attached bed room with toilet bathroom, 1 bed room, eastside beautiful terrace for winter dining, Top floor: water tanks, solar panels.
Additional features:
currently 3-4 cars parking sapace (can be extended to backside for 4-5 cars more after dismentaling the guard/saff room,
backside beautiful space for family party or gathering,
all side open,
sunny from early morning to late afternoon,
inar water, underground reserved water tank of 12,000 ltrs,
5 minutes walking distance from maitidevi setopool petrol pump,
some attached furnitures will be left,
approximately rs.30,000 to rs 35,000 would be monthly rental income from each floor.
Potentiality of this property:
the existing building is totally OK not even effected by previous two times earthquakes, any one can buy and can use as it residential commercial rental system to get good rental income or can give it to a single party to run apartment or homestay system.
This area is believed secured residential area and very high demanded for rental purpose.
(First posting date: september 24, 2020)