a most potential and fully commercial 0-11-0-0 land existing with 4 storey pillar system building having 4000 sqft, facing two sides north 12 feet and south 24 feet pitched road,just 100 mtrs inside from ringroad highway at Koteshor amrawati marg is on sale.
Property Owner: GJBLOS 1357
Property Code: GJBLOS 1357
Land Area: 0-11-0-0
Property Location: Koteshwor
Agents Name: www.gharjaggabazar.com
Seller Address: Koteshwor
District: Kathmandu
Province: Bagmati Province
Phone No.: 01-4004039, 01-4004019 (0930-1730) (gjb-sales officer)
Mobile No.: 9818909311, 9803421055, 9813998554 (gjb-sales officer)
Type: House on Sale - Commercial
House Type: Bungalow
Road/size: commercial land existing with 4 storey commercial building, 100 mtrs inside from ringroad before balkumari bridge.
Existing building details and rooms:
Ground floor:
3 shutters, 3 rooms, 1 common toilet bathroom.
1rst floor:
open hall (rented for store)
2nd floor:
open hall (rented for store)
3rd floor:
6 rooms, toilet bathroom
Additional features:
currently 5 cars parking space, fully drainage system, inar water, underground reserved tank 8000 ltrs, close and walking distance to ringroad highway, anytime public transportation facility,currently rs. 60,000 monthly rental income, can be extended rental income upto rs, 1,50,000 to 2,00,000 after fully renovated the whole building and compound.
Why to invest for this property: Invest it just for land whereas 4 storey pillar system most potential commercial building is free of cost from this house you can earn. In the other hand, dismental this house and use the entrance gate from both sides and construct the latest model multi storey brand new building having basement parking and get the tremendous rental income from the building.
Remarks: price is negotiable upon fast dealing basis.